Behind The Brand: Iron Heart
Created by Shinichi Haraki, who after many years of experience of design and production of Japanese denim and jeans, beginning as a pattern maker for Edwin and advancing to designer and producer/director for the company, decided in 1984 to combine this passion with his other love - motorcycles - and conceived a Japanese denim brand which is tough, rugged, classic and designed to be worn by Japanese bike riders.Iron Heart garments are in the main made from heavyweight fabrics, designed to be durable, and to some extent protective for motor bikers. Iron Heart clothing is classic in materials and styling, using mostly flannels, denim and chambrays for shirts, and basing jackets on time tested military or riding favourites.Haraki's wonderful recreations of vintage American styles of jeans, jackets, shirts and more, updated to suit the way we live today, now have a dedicated worldwide following - by both bikers and non-bikers.
Some designs – for example the 25oz XHS (extra heavy selvedge) denim jeans - are at the limit of what can actually be woven and sewn.